The Intelligently Resigned Show
While people can be annoying, individuals and their stories can be interesting and relatable. The Intelligently Resigned Show is one dude's attempt to get at those stories. I sit down in all kinds of settings to talk to all kinds of people about all kinds of things. I utilize my 'How the hell did you end up here' style of interview to learn about where my guest grew up, if their parents were pricks, if they got laid in high school, and what the hell they are up to know, the important stuff. In the process, we learn about their views and I find inopportune moments to crow-bar in my own stories and opinions. So set your standards to "Low" and get to know some of the interesting people I've met along the way.
The Combat Veteran, Bryson-Pt.2

Adrian is happy to continue his conversation with the combat veteran, Bryson. We last left Bryson as he had gotten back from Iraq and now its time to settle back into civilian life, and, naturally, head off to Afghanistan. After hearing about his year there, Bryson tells us about coming back and using World of Warcraft, Subway sandwiches and eHarmony to help get him back to normal.

Direct download: Episode_026-The_Combat_Veteran_Bryson-Pt._2.mp3
Category:Society and Culture -- posted at: 7:24pm HDT