The Intelligently Resigned Show
While people can be annoying, individuals and their stories can be interesting and relatable. The Intelligently Resigned Show is one dude's attempt to get at those stories. I sit down in all kinds of settings to talk to all kinds of people about all kinds of things. I utilize my 'How the hell did you end up here' style of interview to learn about where my guest grew up, if their parents were pricks, if they got laid in high school, and what the hell they are up to know, the important stuff. In the process, we learn about their views and I find inopportune moments to crow-bar in my own stories and opinions. So set your standards to "Low" and get to know some of the interesting people I've met along the way.
The Ag-tivist, Ashley

Adrian is happy, but a little reluctant, to get schooled on the whole GMO/Pesticide thing going on in Hawaii. His friend, The Ag-tivist, Ashley, is the Director at the Hawaii Center for Food Safety and she tells us about the influx of chemical-agricultural companies taking up prime Ag land and spraying pesticides near schools. Alooooooo-ha!  Ashley also tells us about the unique role Hawaii plays in this whole debate and updates us on the current legal battle taking place on Maui. She has some great insight into a debate that just got a whole lot less complicated. 

Direct download: Episode_037-The_Ag-tivist_Ashley.mp3
Category:Society and Culture -- posted at: 11:42pm HDT

The Comedian, Jose

Adrian is stoked to join one of Honolulu's premier comedians, Jose Dynamite, at the ever-so-awesome O'Toole's pub to talk about waaaaaay too much, starting with his successful stand-up career, as an appetizer. ...Jose Dynamite then plops some serious parenting "knowledge" onto Adrian's lil head, most of which is unethical, but that doesnt matter to either of these rediculous dads. Get ready to learn nothing you've ever wanted to know about raising stepkids, GD teenagers, and how hard to hit them. Jose is also the intertron's youngest GRANDPAS, so there's also some useless knowledge for all you future grandparents out there...

Direct download: Episode036-The_Comedian_Jose.mp3
Category:Society and Culture -- posted at: 1:20am HDT